Saturday, 29 October 2022

Make a Difference


It's time to stand up and be counted!
The time to sit back on the sofa waiting for someone else to make the first move is over!
Nothing will change if everyone keeps sitting back waiting for someone else to do something.
Yes, the world is a big place with many big players in control of certain things but doing nothing is not the solution.
Saying "I'm only one person and there's nothing I can do" is taking the easy way out!

One person can change the world, even if it's something small which changes one person's world by helping them in some way!
If enough people make a positive change to the world around them and made a difference in their own way, all those little things will "join together" and become something greater!
Instead of burying your head in the sand and saying "I alone can't do anything" think of what you can do to make a change!

Steve Jobs said, “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.”

There are more people out there who want to change the world than people realise!
Unfortunately, they are stuck in the belief that "one person can't change the world"
Today it is more important than ever for people to realise that those who want to change the world outnumber those who don't!
If we all stand together against those who wish to control and oppress the masses, we can make a better world for all!

There are many things happening in the world today which are geared at making life very difficult for the majority of the people of the world. That can all be changed, if enough people are willing to do something about it!
The 1% who "control" the world do so for their own benefit!
It's time for the 99% to wake up and realise that the world is designed to work against them and not for them!
United WE can stop the 1% from pulling off the plans they have in store for US, divided we will ALL lose in the end!
Think about your children and children's children!
What kind of life do you want them to live???

Monday, 16 January 2017

The Music Revolution Part 4

So who is happy with the state of the world today???
With all the things that are happening, as well as those that could perhaps happen etc.
As I said in another blog, 2017 will be playing a pivotal role in human history!
It could possibly be the most important year in modern Human History!!

I still Call on Everyone to join The Music Revolution, Groove Inc. and me, to make a positive change to the world we live in!! If we Stand Together, the "powers that be" can't do anything about it as WE are the majority and we could make the world a better place for all if we Unite!?!

The ruling elite don't want us to wake up and stand together coz they use the age old war tactic of "divide and conquer" to keep their control over the masses. The Masses. That's us. Nameless. Faceless. etc. Just numbers and just slaves to "the Man", or should I say the group of "men and women"? The global elite want to control our every second while we're alive. They need their "willing" slaves to keep their money wheel turning and give them more money, for a new Ivory back scratcher!

The Music Revolution is about reaching as many people as possible and getting them all to wake up and think, which is why we need art work form all kinds of artists, musicians, writers from around the world, to spread the word! We all have a voice. We all want to be heard. We want a better world for all, one that benefits the majority and not the greedy minority, who have so much, yet want even more!

Denounce everything the ruling elite will try to do in the coming year, or years if we're lucky.
When the day comes that they want everyone to have the RFID chip implanted in all our right hands, We must be united and all of us must say "No!" and just step away!

Only then, will "they" listen and will have no choice but to capitulate as we outnumber them like 1mil to 1!!
"they" will try their best to convince you otherwise and say "they" always have the best for all the people at heart!

Don't listen to their lies!
Don't be programmed!
Don't allow the "Weapon of Mass Distraction" to control you!

United We Shall Win!!
Join The Music Revolution and stand together!
Take the Power back!


            YOU could always take the BLUE PILL, if YOU WANT?

Groove Inc Productions

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Welcome to 2017

Welcome to 2017!! What's instore for us????

Happy New Year to all of you!!
I hope you had a good and safe entry into 2017!?!
I'm sure most of you had one helluva party to bring in the new year, as is the case every 31st of December!
I know why New Year's is so important to most people because it is a symbol of new beginnings, new possibilities and new opportunities etc.

What many people are not aware of, is that 2017 could possibly be the most important year in recent human history. There is a great deal at stake for humankind in the coming year as "the powers that be" will be trying to implement the "final phase" of their plan, or at the very least set the final phase in motion!!

Many things have been happening in recent years that have gently pushed humankind into following a certain "path"! A path that has been designed by "some people" to be the best way to keep the majority of the human population, no matter what race, colour, creed, sexual orientation etc. under control! The best way to control and manipulate people is without them knowing it, or otherwise by using misinformation about some "health issue" or terror attack. Something like that!

If You were to Stop what you are doing for a moment and look around for a little while, you will see what I see, you will understand what I understand, you will feel what I feel, which is that there is something very wrong with the world we live in!

The signs of what is to come are All around us, if we really care to look at it objectively.
Take for example, Bitcoin and all the other alt coins, all they really are is a "dry-run" for the Global One World Currency! I mean, come on really??? A Global Currency to threaten the very banking cartels that run the world, created by some random dude named Satoshi Nakomoto! I would prefer to refer to him by "his" true name, The Bilderberg Group. Make no mistake The Bilderberg Group is a very wealthy and influential "entity", who have their control of many things and many people!

Another sign would be the whole RFID Chip thing that "the powers that be" want everyone to have in their hand or arm for extra safety and security for yourself and your money!! No more carrying a wallet of any kind around!! Also, for parents it would be such a good way to know that their kids are safe at all times coz you know there a lot of kidnappings and etc. With your ID, Banking information etc. on the RFID, all you have to do is swipe your hand at the shop or air port when boarding!
Now doesn't that just sound like such an awesome idea???

The List goes on and I can tell you about all the other things the 1% are doing and using to try control the 99% coz We outnumber them by a very large number! If enough of the 99% wake up and see what's going on, then putting a stop to their involvement in keeping "the lie going".
When enough of you, my fellow 99%, stand together with me as one.
Then, and only then, will true change be possible!

There will be no need for violence either as we outnumber them and the 1% will fold very quickly to try hold on to some of their wealth and privilege. It is very important for change to be effected by peaceful means, as that is the only way to make everlasting positive changes for the benefit of all equally.

Viva La Revolution
Viva La Music Revolution
We stand United against the evil of the Global Elite
We will take the power Back
We will bring true Equality for all

I might have digressed a little, but Good Luck to All of you for 2017!
Let's hope we won't need it!!

Music is My Religion

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Is Everyone Sleeping??? It's time to WAKE UP!!

I've been seeing so many posts on Facebook and other online media about the whole Racism Issue and white people must pay for Apartheid, must leave the country and White privilege must stop ETC. etc. blah blah blah!! Fish paste as "C" would say!

All this is, is a way for "the powers that be" (They) to manipulate events on a national scale. Another example of the 1% making use of the 99% to make themselves rich!!Divide and Conquer, the oldest rule in the Book and most of us are playing right in their hands and doing exactly what they want us to do!! Conform, step in line and do as you are told!! That's what They want us to do, and I do stress, "They Want"! We're making it so easy for them to keep the power!!

If you ask me, I think Everyone must Wake Up and stop living in denial of the whole"ignorance is bliss thing", as that is purely living in a prison of your/our making! The 1% have nothing to worry about coz, in the day we live in, power is measured in numbers on a computer program i.e. money and wealth, not in unity and standing together for the benefit of ALL!!

The moment we, the 99%, ALL wake up and stand together, no matter what race, creed, religion etc., as a unified human race of the World and realize that is where the power lies! Only then we would have chance at living in a moral and just society, where no one is taking advantage of a situation or people in order to get even more wealthy, but rather where everyone is afforded the same opportunities to live the kind of life all human beings deserve!

I was asked by someone the other day,:"Who is to say that that is the right thing to do for the benefit of all??", well I guess there is no way of knowing that beforehand!?! All I'm saying is that it would be different than it is now and Everyone on the planet will benefit equally. Isn't it worth it to at least try and see what happens??

I'm thinking that things in the world can't really get much worse for the 99% of us, so there is Nothing to lose if we try, whatever will happen has most definitely gotta be better than what it is now for the majority of the people around the world! Is it not something worth putting some effort into??? Is it not worth to at least try to end the suffering/strife of a large portion of Our fellow human beings??

I sure believe that it is something worth trying, to help "My People" who All deserve to benefit equally for simply being Human Beings!! Maybe it's just me having a bit of an ego trip, thinking that I am the one who can make the 99% wake up and stand together to change the world? Or is it that I have the opportunity to set things in motion and steer things off in a positive direction? I sure hope it's the latter as I have been doing the little I can to help those around me who just need that little something to help them to get going in the right direction to where they deserve to be and improve their current situation!

I'm not going to mention what I have done as I do not need recognition for helping a fellow person simply coz I could! That is how it should be, helping someone just coz You Can and for no other reason than that! That's just how I see it. You help someone coz You Can and that little bit you are doing will have a profound impact on their lives!! Don't you think that would be worth it?? Don't you think that's how "Life"should be??
I sure do!!!

So if any of you want to do something that is very simple and meaningful, join The Music Revolution and, together we can Make a Difference to this world!! It can be anything that you can help someone with, no matter how small as each positive change will add up to something bigger and longer lasting!!

I call on all of you, my fellow human beings, my brothers and sisters to do what is right and make a positive change to the world instead of just accepting that this is how life is as this is Not just how life is!!! It is how life has been made to be and we, the 99%, have to take the power back and use it for the benefit of all!!

Music is My Religion

Tuesday, 11 October 2016


The 5th of November,
The Gunpowder treason and plot.
I know of no reason
Why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot"

I'm sure pretty much most of you know this little rhyme, especially with the movie V for Vendetta, possibly Anonymous and all!?!

But does anyone know why there is no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot???

As with many things from years gone by there is far more to it than a cool rhyming poem and shooting off fireworks on November the 5th!
It's the deeper meaning to this blatant attempt to kinda sweep the man (men) and the idea (reason) of the gunpowder treason and plot "under the rug", that is what is really important to remember about this day, the 5th of November!

The reason why Guy Fawkes and the famous Gunpowder treason and plot, which happened on the 5th of November all those years back in 1605, should never be forgot is for the reason that one man (and a group of comrades) where not happy with how the world was and where the future was heading.
They decided action needs to be taken in order to change the world and save the future of all, they tried a violent route which did not quite work out, but with the public death of Guy Fawkes (the one people remember) something much more powerful was created. The belief that "ideas are bullet proof" and will live on far longer than "the man" who was behind the idea.

It is that idea that should never be forgot, the idea that the things that are wrong with the world today (just as it was back in 1605) can be changed by non violent means far easier and with greater effect than through using violence! In order for a more meaningful and longer lasting positive change to the world for the good of all today, we need to stand together against all those who are the causes to the problems of the world.

I know there are many people and groups of people, who are causing a lot of the problems and creating people in distress all over the world in order for their own financial gain, and it is time for "the world" as we know it to end. A new world which benefits all needs to be created, and it is more than possible for such a world to be created coz there is enough wealth in the world to sort out all of the world's problems! I'm sure many of you probably didn't realize that!?!

The problem with that is that pretty much all that wealth is in the hands of "a few" who have more money than they, their children, their grand children etc. could ever spend in their lives yet they want more!
They could keep enough money that all their descendants could ever need and give the rest away to help the rest of mankind!

With all of that money combined pretty much all of the world's problems could be sorted out and none of our fellow human beings would be suffering!! I'm sure you're thinking,:"that sounds rather simple! So why don't they do it?"

The answer is simple, ALL those wealthy people who have the money needed, allow the problems in the world to keep on going coz they need those problems in order to make more money!! We all know that they are blinded by greed or simply just don't care or don't have any moral fiber worth mentioning!
This is not a racial thing as there people from all races who are part of that wealthy minority who oppress the majority. 

In order for things to change for the benefit of all mankind, we need to shift the mindset of the oppressed majority into realizing that strength lies in numbers and not in wealth! If we, the majority, stand together and use peaceful means to try effect change, the wealthy minority will be forced to listen and do what is right!
I know there are some of the wealthy minority who do feel that they have a moral obligation to help mankind, but those are few and far between.

We, the majority, need to send a message to the governments of the world and the wealthy minority that we will no longer idly stand by and watch our fellow brothers and sisters being used as tools to create even more wealth for the minority and governments they control.
However, very importantly, that message must be unanimous and we need to make it clear that we won't use violence to effect change!

Seeing as how we are getting close to the 5th of November, I think that would be a fitting day for us, the majority, to send out our message to the wealthy minority and governments of the world that it is time for a change and a restructuring of "society" and how things work so that we all reap the benefits of the world that we are all working for in one way or another.

I will inform everyone that I can closer to the time as to what will the best way for us to send our message out to the "powers that be", but in the meantime please share this post with as many people as you can so that we can have our strength in numbers when the day comes!

Anyone interested in joining The Music Revolution can contact me or go to our Facebook Page for more information.

Spread the word!
United we can win, divided we shall fail!

Music is My Religion

Sunday, 18 September 2016

The Music Revolution - What WE ARE DOING!

The Music Revolution is still gaining momentum, all be it slowly, but it will continue to grow until it reaches everyone able and willing to join and make a difference.

This post is about groovemasta and Groove Inc. Productions, the forerunners of The Music Revolution, and how we incorporate the ideals of The Music Revolution in all the I (We) do and make a difference.
Groove Inc. Productions slogan is: "Think, Act, Make a Difference" which pretty much sums up what The Music Revolution is all about.

Groove Inc. Productions is a relatively new company and even though we don't really have a budget we use all resources available to us to act on the ideals of The Music Revolution and make as many positive changes to the lives of as many people as we can!
Unfortunately due to the fact that we are a new company we can't help everyone but I would like to highlight some of the ways Groove Inc. Productions and I (groovemasta) have made a difference to the lives of a few people.

The first thing Groove Inc. Productions has been doing is advertising, marketing and trying to get work for Frik, a Parkinson's sufferer who can't get work and has to beg at the robot to support his family, as he has a great voice and is a very talented singer. We have managed to get him a few jobs so far which has helped him a lot, we also made a 6 song CD for Frik free of charge. Further to not charging Frik for any of our services, we also don't take a percentage of the money he gets for any work we secure for him!

Groove Inc. Productions also has made a difference to a number of people on the recording studio side of our business by helping young underprivileged artists to record their songs at a very low rate, usually below cost, in order to help them to start their career.
One such group we helped with a recording of a 4 song CD is a group of you black boys who are still in school, called Thee Immortalz WCV. They are a 3 piece hip hop/rap group and are very talented and deserve a chance to succeed! WCV thoroughly enjoyed the experience of recording at a professional recording studio and seeing support from people they don't know and don't know them.Those are only 2 of the many positive changes I have made to the lives of people around me!

It's not about what YOU can get out of it, but HOW YOU can help someone and make a positive change in their life and by so doing make a positive change to the world we live in. Each and every small positive change will become something greater if we all simply do our part! I'm sure there is some kind of positive change each and every one of you can do for someone!?!?

I call on everyone to join me and The Music Revolution so that together we can make our country and the world a better place for all!
Anyone interested in joining The Music Revolution can go to the Facebook page or contact me.
It is only when we all work together that we can make a positive change to the world we all live in!

The Music Revolution is an idea and ideas live forever!

Music is My Religion

Friday, 19 August 2016

The Music Revolutio Gains Momentum

The Music Revolution is gaining momentum, it's unfortunately a slow process coz it seems like most people only want to like the Music Revolution but don't want to actually engage and join up in order for us to make the world a better place!?!

Even if only a handful of people want to be part of the Music Revolution, we will continue and it will be worth the effort. The goal, of course, is to get as many people from all over the world as possible to join the Music Revolution in order to make a positive change to the world we all live in!!
It has, however, never been more important for us all to stand together against "the powers that be" before it is too late and there is nothing that we can do to stop their influence on world events and their control over the lives of millions!!

The Global Elite who orchestrate and manipulate all forms of world events, and have been doing so for many years will never stop as they have the money and the influence which they do not want to hand over to anyone else. If the rest of the world population want to live in a world that benefits the majority and not the minority 1% will stand together to create positive changes and make the world a better place for all, only then can we create a world where the needs of all are met and create a world of equality instead of inequality and misplaced (unearned) wealth, taken from the blood and sweat from the "ordinary"person's hard work.
I saw a quote the other day from some stupid business type person who said "I would rather get 1% from a hundred people's effort than 100% from my own effort". That is exactly what the problem is with the world we live in, the people doing all the work that keeps the "machine"going don't reap the benefits of their hard work!!

I call on all artists/musicians/writers and anyone who wants to join the Music Revolution to contact me.
The Music Revolution is about using mediums to get people to think about what is going on around them and make a positive change. If everyone just makes one small positive change, all of those changes together will create a long lasting change to the world!!

Contact me if you want to help make the world a better place for all and for those who will come after us!

The Music Revolution is an idea and as we know, Ideas are Bullet Proof!!!!

Music is my Religion